
Logo EQA Grupo

Impact Verification

  • Impact is the material change (substantial and evident), positive or negative, in the long-term conditions of people, the planet, or systems.
  • The measurement and management of the impact, social and/or environmental, is essential to make effective impact investments, for which the positive and negative effects that the investment has on people and the planet must be identified and considered; subsequently discovering ways to mitigate the negative and maximize the positive in alignment with the organization’s goals.
  • Investors, the market, and society demand to know the result of an impact investment and, in turn, that the result be verified by an independent third party with adequate experience in this field (this, being the only opportunity to guarantee that the impact it is real).
  • In this context, EQA has developed an Impact Verification product aimed at validating and/or verifying the initial approach of an impact project, the results, and the final impact of an investment and/or project.

Some fields we do Impact Verification

formación presencial


certificado emas

Sustainable Agriculture

ISO 13485


ISO 22301


UNE 13816

Sustainable transport

objetivo circular

Sustainable fashion

Impact Verification Services

As a result of the verification process, EQA issues an Independent Validation/Verification Statement in favor of the organization.

certificado emas

Expected Impact Validation

Objective: to validate the correct approach to the project and its impact objectives.

Timing: before investment and/or execution.

(Social and/or Environmental Impact)

ISO 9001

Impact Report Verification

Objective: to verify compliance with the results (periodic verifications).

Timing: during execution and/or investment (periodic verifications).

(Social and/or Environmental Impact)

ISO 37301 Compliance

Final Impact Verification

Objective: verify compliance with the impact objectives and the change generated.

Timing: finished project (medium or long term).

(Social and/or Environmental Impact)

Impact management phases

Impact verificacion phases

Work done on Impact Verification

impact verification projects

Contact us for more information about Impact Verification.

Mª Cristina Romero

Mª Cristina Romero

Sustainable Finance EQA


Quiénes somos


Acreditaciones ENAC



Campus EQA

Próximos webinars EQA

Trabaja con nosotros

Solicitud de información y procedimientos


Servicios ESG


Certificación I+D+i                                         

Deducciones fiscales I+D+i

Bonificaciones Personal Investigador

Pyme Innovadora

Joven Empresa Innovadora

Otras Evaluaciones de I+D+i

Selección expertos UNESCO

Informes Motivados


Cambio Climático                                           

Huella de Carbono

Verificación Gases Efecto Invernadero


Auditoría Energética

Proyectos Clima

Economía Circular

Mecanismos de compensación


Licencias Urbanísticas                                  





Camino de la Zarzuela, 15 | Bloque 2 | 1ª Planta | 28023 Madrid